Do people treat me differently after weightloss?

2 min readJul 7, 2021

Absolutely! And I want them to. Let me explain that. When I was at my highest weight and for much of the time as I was losing it, I did not want or seek attention, notice or ‘treatment’ of ay kind.

By making myself invisible I could could carry on with my narrative, that inner personal narrative between you and your maker, whomever that might be ;) Because lets be honest for just a few minutes OK? When you are in the throes of battle that you have been in close quarters with for basically a lifetime, you don’t have the time or energy for someones ‘treatment’.

At least I didn’t. I needed to be left alone in that dark place of gorging, binge eating marked by bouts of deprivation as I fought to find a personal balance. It has taken a lifetime of trying HUNDREDS of different methods to lose weight, and I have lost! 100’s of pounds throughout the years! Yo-yo in weightloss is bad, very bad “sigh.”

So now as I hone in on my goal for the first time in YEARS, people are stirring and noticing, but in a world where being blunt is not considered PC people often hesitate to remark on the changes. My family does because they know about my personal, ongoing war with my weight. Many of them have their own wars being waged.

I see jealousy on some faces and I get it. I’m still at the breath holding stage myself! Afraid to believe this is really helping but seeing it manifesting before my eyes. And seeing it in the eyes and curiosity of others. Yes people are treating me different,, yes I get more attention, but guess what? I am doing my part in engaging! Something that comes with weightloss is we grow interested in other things and other people when food no longer becomes the main focus!

Bring on those questions, congratulations, all ot it. I fought hard for this life, lets celebrate!




I’ve been writing forever, about feelings, experiences, traumas, learning to let go and going on. Now I’m going to write for others.